2022 Speakers Bureau Training

Bringing together thought leaders, experienced activists, and creatives engaged in shifting cultural norms, to draw out our youth leaders' and speakers' unique wisdom, compelling stories, and calls to action. 

We believe that fundamental to Earth Guardians' purpose, to train and empower youth to be effective leaders at the intersections of the environmental and climate justice movements, we have the unique opportunity and responsibility to elevate youth leadership with impactful and inspiring public speaking training.

Earth Guardians youth leaders and speakers are highly visible, and are asked to share their knowledge and experience as youth organizers and community builders at leading universities, conferences, across partnerships, and for corporate events.

Our speakers have the potential to influence policy change, culture shift, and seed and multiply the next generation of youth leadership. 

 August 7-10, 2022

Collins Lake Ranch, the ancestral lands of the Ute, Diné, and Apache lands, in Cleveland, NM

This training is limited to current members of the EG Speakers Bureau as nominated and personally invited.

Please contact us at reachout@earthguardians.org for more information.

The Need

We believe that fundamental to Earth Guardians' purpose, to train and empower youth to be effective leaders at the intersections of the environmental and climate justice movements, we have the unique opportunity and responsibility to elevate youth leadership with impactful and inspiring public speaking training. Earth Guardians youth leaders and speakers are highly visible, and are asked to share their knowledge and experience as youth organizers and community builders, at leading universities, conferences, by our partners, and for corporate events. Our speakers have the potential to influence policy change, culture shift, and seed and multiply the next generation of youth leadership. Over the past few years we have seen the power of the youth’s voice in the climate movement at large, pushing the needle by continually standing up, speaking with purpose, and taking to the streets.


​​When speaking in front of large public and influential audiences, EG youth leaders have the chance to impact government policy, corporate decisions, public engagement and more, on climate and environmental justice issues. In order to be as effective as possible during their keynotes and panels, public speaking training and coaching is a must. Many of these youth are still in high school or college, and although naturally gifted and inspired, have never received training or coaching specific to public speaking. This training is meant to amplify and magnify their impact and effect on their audiences, which to-date has already totaled well over  hundreds of thousands of people. For example, in 2021, Marlow Baines appeared on a segment on The Day, a television broadcast of the Deutsche Welle (DW), on the impact of the climate crisis. DW is Germany’s international broadcaster and one of its most successful and relevant international media outlets, providing journalistic content in 32 languages, which gives people worldwide the opportunity to form their own opinions. Her segment was broadcast to over 100 million homes. And on Turtle Island, Tokata Iron Eyes appeared on the Ellevate Network, to a global audience of 240K, to discuss centering indigenous voices at the table where decisions are made. The ability to tell a compelling story, backed by facts and packed with inspiration, has the ability to move the hearts and minds of those in positions of power to consider the impacts of their decisions on the environment, climate, the Earth and her citizens.

During Earth Guardians Summer 2022 Speakers Bureau training, we aim to bring thought leaders, experienced activists, and public figures who are engaged in shifting cultural norms, from across the movement, to draw out our youth speakers' unique wisdom, compelling stories, and calls to action. We will provide instruction on developing a keynote speech and slide decks weaving together personal narrative and the power of Earth Guardians purpose and programming, somatic techniques to ground and get present, overcome stage fright and performance anxiety, develop stage presence, engage their audience, and use media effectively to promote their message and call to action.


We will provide instruction and training on:

  • Developing personal narrative and impactful calls to action

  • Delivering a keynote speech and visuals 

  • Stage presence

  • Audience engagement

  • Conducting media interviews

  • Using media effectively to engage an audience, promote your message, and build momentum around calls to action

  • Delivering an audience-appropriate message

  • Somatic techniques to ground, get present, and overcome stage fright

  • Mind/body and vocal techniques to prepare to speak in front of an audience, live or virtual



Public speaking is part talent, part passion, and part practice. It is a skill required by high level leaders. Developing excellent communication skills is essential to leadership. Using the power of speech and influence, youth leaders are recognized as movement builders, and the ability to speak publically is a critical skill for effective leadership.

 The Speakers Bureau Training will positively impact Earth Guardians youth leaders by building their confidence. EG youth leaders are regularly invited to provide keynotes or plenary speeches at leading universities, conferences, by our partners, and for corporate events. Fifteen youth leaders from the EG Speakers Bureau have been selected to receive public speaking training in 2022. Since launching the Speakers Bureau in 2020, these fifteen youth leaders have reached audiences of hundreds of thousands of people at both live and virtual events, through television media interviews, and by Earth Guardians social media followers of 150K+.

To lead, you need to move people with your words.

Earth Guardians youth leaders make their voices heard, and we will support their message and calls to action with this incredible public speaking training event.


Goals and Objectives

  1. Develop and give an inspirational keynote speech and clear call to action

  2. Prepare for being a panelist in a panel conversation - what questions would you like to be asked? Also, how to moderate a panel, make it conversational, and draw the best out of your fellow panelists

  3. Develop your personal narrative and weave in your story to connect with the audience

  4. Become an excellent example and representative of Earth Guardians purpose

  5. Radiate confidence when giving media interviews, speaking truth to power, and presenting with integrity

  6. Deliver your critical message from a place of passion, humility, knowledge, power, and personal lived experience